ERP Software Purchasing and Deployment Options ERP Cloud News The Cloud has inspired a new way of thinking about ERP software deployments. Companies have the option to purchase a license or purchase a SaaS solution. When purchasing a license you own the software and have the ability to deploy it in your datacenter (on-premise) or…
Author: Merita Marketing
Early Announcement Brings New Player to Cloud-Based CRM Software Market
The President of San Rafael, California-based CRM Software, Gregory T. Friedman, has announced that its CRM software, Junxure, will now have a cloud-based version, available in January. Brooke Southall wrote in Forbes last week that Friedman made this announcement at this particular time due to the huge hype that is currently surrounding the cloud, and the lack…
Days of individual security over, says AIIA chief
People solely relying on patching and upgrades are leading themselves into a false sense of security and individual protection is no longer sufficient in the age of multi-vector attacks, according to the president of the Australian Internet Industry Association. Most people rely on operating system and software updates – including security patches – to gain…
Venture Capitalists Deals Increase In First Quarter
The New York Times reports that Venture Capitalist invest in 922 deals in the first quarter of 2008, compared to 861 in the same period last year. The total amount invested was down 5% causing the times to lead with the headline Venture Capitalists Invest Less In First Quarter – New York Times. “We do…
Conviction or Discipline
No, it’s Conviction and Discipline according to Fred Wilson, “Conviction and discipline are two sides of the same coin.” I like the view. Similar to a great strategy with weak execution, conviction without discipline will often lead you into the ditch and will never get you to the mountaintop.
Free! Why it works better today.
Chris Anderson’s at Wired discusses where, why and how free products make sense today and will make make even more sense (and cents) in the future. Starting with the story of Gillette and bringing us to the plummeting cost of computing and networking, Anderson argues that the traditional cross-subsidy model is not required when incremental…