The Animated Story of Ole Kirk Christiansen and Legos. Loved these little building blocks and where they let my imagination roam. Like the 7 foot long, very skinny car that stuck out from under the foot of my bed. That was the only place to keep it from getting trampled.
Author: Dwayne Nesmith
Can Lower Corporate Taxes and Infrastructure Save the Economy
Fareed Zakaria in his Time article How Lower Corporate Taxes and Infrastructure Can Save the Economy suggest they can indeed. Borrowing low corporate tax rates, investment incentives, and a shift to a territorial tax system from Fed-Ex‘s Fred Smith, Zakaria adds government investment in infrastructure improvement to his economic plan. Right now, because of tax and other policies,…
Penn State’s Path Forward is Difficult but Obvious
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh states clearly that the four leaders (Graham Spanier, Joe Paterno, Gary Schultz, and Tim Curley) responsible for handling the allegations against Sandusky did little if anything to protect the victims, while doing much to prevent damage to Penn State’s reputation. Unconscionable! Will the new leadership step up and accept the…
Google and Smithsonian partner to help visitors find food and the loo
Google and Smithsonian partner so visitors spend less time lost, more time learning | VentureBeat. Google adds 17 Smithsonian Museums to the 10,000 indoor maps they already have. Both parties will continue to work together to increase the level of exhibit detail and map features.
Gartner Predicts 2012 IT Spending Growth Slows
Gartner’s newest IT spending forecast shows the march to digitalization slowing — on pace to reach $3.628 trillion in 2012 and $3.786 trillion in 2013. That is only an estimated 3 percent and 4.4 percent increase compared to the the $3.523 trillion spent last year in 2011, which was 7.9 percent growth compared to 2010….
TechStars goes Middle School
Pioneering incubator TechStars rolls out its “microinternship” program in Boulder, CO. VentureWire spoke with TechStars’ David Cohen about his own formative experiences and early exposure to business and tech, why kids need role models beyond Beiber, and what TechStars CEOs get out of their time with tweens.